Dealer Admin Setup (X1)
Before connecting an X1 site to an XR system, ensure the XR panel is programmed with areas in Dealer Admin. Follow the steps below to connect an X1 site to an XR system to communicate with each other:
Note: Before connecting an X1 site to an XR system, go to Network Options in XR Programming and ensure the XR/X1 Communication toggle is turned ON.
Navigate to the X1 site you want to connect to the XR system.
In the top right corner, select Edit.

Edit X1
At XR Communication, select the toggle to enable the X1 site to be connected to the XR system.

Enable XR Communication
At XR Serial Number, enter the serial number of the XR panel you want the X1 site to communicate with.

Add XR Serial Number
At X1 Site Passphrase, select Copy Passphrase. The passphrase is automatically generated and cannot be edited. Dealer Admin automatically programs the passphrase in the XR panel.

Copy X1 Site Passphrase
Select Save.

Save Changes